By Paul Brown
God’s Calling is the memoir of Paul Brown. After growing up in a boarding school in Rethy, Zaire, Paul embarks on the typical cross cultural journey of a missionary/third culture kid. Following the advice of his high school janitor he ventures through university, courtship, and a return to the missions field. Through weakness, struggle, and reliance upon God, Paul and his wife Ellen respond to God’s call on their lives. Their life includes two evacuations, managing the construction of a hydro-electric plant, establishing the first FM radio station in the area, serving faithfully as dorm parents, and, if you can believe it, much more.
By Paul Brown
Illustrated by Deborah Armes
Chai, The Thirsty Cow is a true story about a cow who’s always thirsty. When the well runs dry in summer or snow comes in winter, Grandpa Paul has to find creative solutions since Chai depends on him to give her water. This short parable book subversively addresses the question, “What, in life, satisfies?”
By Paul Brown
Illustrated by Aubrey Armes
A little bantam rooster called Fancy Tail wants to be the boss of all he sees. He struts around trying to take over the chicken coop, but when he tries to be boss of the farm, he learns Grandpa is boss. Who is the boss of Grandpa?
By Brayden Armes
Drawing from over a decade of Scouting experience, Brayden reflects on his journey of leadership. Embarking into the unknown with his friend Gavin, they climb the rungs of leadership and end up leading in the Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s National Honor Society, during the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19. All before age 20.